Wednesday, April 20, 2011

NEW Blog!

This blog has been transferred to my new one at:

Head on over and follow me!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Should I Move Out?

In this past year alone, I have thought more than once that moving out of my parents' home was an option.  After all, I was an adult and even though I'm unmarried, I would much rather live away from all the problems I seem to encounter.

But as I worked through the problems one by one with my dear parents, the Lord showed me a parallel pattern with marriage.  It is not uncommon these days to see many couples divorce after years of marriage or even a few months.  Did the wife come up against a problem with her man and decide that he could not change so she must leave?  Did the husband not get the honor he deserves and decide to end the agony in his heart by ending his union?  In the same way, I was coming up against a problem and deciding that it was too much to handle; so I should just move out or, in all reality, run away from it.

But is that really the godly thing to do?  God's Word teaches us to persevere, no matter what the cost.  He never said, "If you don't think you can do it, just don't do it."  He did, however, teach us that we cannot possibly fix the problem all on our own.  That's why we have Him!

Lately I have noticed how some of the conservative Christian families are reverting to the modern way of doing things.  Young people - regardless of their convictions or marital status - should get out and become their own person.  They are encouraged to get their own place and maybe even start dating... it is as if their parents are afraid of being accused as being patriarchal or matriarchal.  Of course, the newfangled Patriarchal movement has so many twisted views and doctrines that I definitely do not agree with.

Although the idea of staying home under your parents' roof may sound old-fashioned, but it is Biblical.  I realize that there are any number of situations where a girl would be forced to leave her family home.  But if at all possible - don't run away from your troubles.  Take them and run to the Father and ask Him what to do.

I am definitely an independent woman, yet I live with my parents and six siblings.  I seek my parents' advice, but it is I who must make the final decision.  We talk openly together about anything and everything; they are my best friends.  They know me better than anyone else and I truly desire to honor them as my God-given authority for now.  Just as Esther sought the advice of Mordecai, so I desire to seek my parents' advice and any other older, wiser mentors God puts in my path.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Get Ready....

....To order the hot-off-the-press pre-release, Send Me, Lord Jesus for a discounted price! 

It will be released on March 14, 2011 so hurry!  Click here to make your purchase right away.

Don't forget, the discounted price is only available until March 14th -- after that, regular price will be charged.

>>>There's still time to enter for a chance to win a FREE copy.  Just click here to comment.<<<

Tell you friends and get the word out!  This is going to be fun!!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Giveaway of Brand-New Book!

Want to hear all about my experiences in South India?  Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live in another culture, another country -- all for the service of the Lord?  

From the author of historical fiction comes a real-life experience complete with pictures and stories of living amongst the heathen.  You will experience the joy of finally accomplishing a dream, the pain of living so far away from a close-knit family, and the many trials that a single young woman had to face regardless of her feelings.

Comment below to enter for your chance to receive Send Me, Lord Jesus and the companion journal, Here I Am, Lord absolutely FREE.

Details about its release will be published here soon!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Staying Focused

So many things in this world are screaming us this way or that.  Facebook, Twitter, blogs, hotspots, laptops, emails, iPods, ear "buds", texting, cellphones, and the list of new technology goes on and on.

I am convinced that these new things were put in our way for a reason.  After refusing to get onto the Facebook boat, I finally consented to get myself an account when several of my friends began marrying and moving away.  I also use it for promoting this blog and notifying my 'friends' of special political updates.

I will gladly use new technology to further God's Kingdom, but nothing more.  If I get to the point where I am constantly going to and signing in for the purpose of finding out who 'likes' my status or commented on something funny I said, then I pray to God that He will make me so busy I can't even find a moment to type in www....

I love everything old-fashioned.  I love the art of writing letters that make words, and words that make articles and articles that make novels, etc.  I just do!  But forms of new technology are wiping out letter-writing and even electronic mail (e-mail)!  How scary is that?  I hope that I may continue to write letters to my pen-friends... there is something more special, more meaningful in a letter.  I know that when I receive one, I feel important.  I feel thought of.  Someone actually took time out of their busy lives to jot me a note and ask how I was doing.

I like the photo above because it depicts a young woman in a serene, beautiful garden.  She is taking the time to enjoy such beauty while at the same time, perhaps, she is engulfing herself in the Word of God.

I pray that we may reach thousands upon thousands through Facebook and Twitter.... but in the meantime, I pray that we remain focused on the one true goal in life: to bring glory and honor to His Name -- not our own.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

When Disappointment Slaps You in the Face

The Lord has been leading me of late to get a job and, at the same time, learn a vocation.

After praying and thinking about going into the medical field since I was a child, the Lord opened the door for me to attend a class to become a nurse's aide.  The free class would last for three weeks and then I would be obligated to work at the nursing home for up to six months, depending on State Exam dates.

Two months passed before I made the decision, with the Lord's guidance, to submit an application.  At last, just after the New Year, I was called in for an interview.  The lady educated me on the ins and outs of the profession, ending the interview with a tentative class start date.  I was so excited to actually be given such a great opportunity!  I even started looking at scrubs to wear to work.

Then it happened.  From out of nowhere, the open door slammed shut in my face.  She called and said that I had not "made" the class... there was an overflow of applicants.

What??  How could this be?  I felt like crumbling to the ground and crying my fill.  But the Lord gently reminded me, "All things work together for good to them that love God..."*

I questioned the decisions I had made; was I right, after all, to submit that application?  Was I right in refusing a good nanny job?

But then, as I prayed and prayed about it, and spoke with my mom about the difficulty of it, I recalled to mind how God had certainly led me.  It was not *I* who really wanted to be a CNA -- God Himself had laid the desire on my heart and took me through the necessary steps to accomplish it.

He could certainly turn things around, if need be.  I am confident that He will open another door for me... and yes, I am sure I will one day become a CNA, but for now?  I'm just waiting on Him to beckon me here or there.

He is my Guide forever.

*Romans 8:28

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Celebrating Christ's Birth!

Merry Christmas to all from:
(L to R) Abigail (12), John W. (17), Faith (18), Dad, Mom, 
Joshi (9), James (15), Melody (21) and Christy (24)

It is so easy to get caught up in the to-do lists of this season.  I know I am certainly not exempt.  Why can't we get things done in a timely manner?  Why must it always end in overwhelming cries for help?
The Lord tenderly reminded me what it is all about.  As I questioned why we cared to make goodies for our six neighbors, and even our small Fire and Police departments, He so gently reminded me that 

"Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these 
my brethren, ye have done it unto Me."*

I pondered what this meant.  Was all this going here and there, last minute shopping, caring for a sick daddy, and baking all day long really being done for the Lord?  I was filled with renewed energy as I thought on all that I had done and all that still needed to be done... it was all for Him.  Every little thing I did, including making cookies for our neighbors, was for Him.  And why did we put ourselves through such uncomfortable to-do lists once a year?  Why did we bother?

"For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given: and the government shall be upon His shoulder: and His Name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace."*

That is why!  Because a child - God's only Son - came to save a dying, dark world.  The least I could do for Him was to do what needed to be done... not for my gain or even my family's gain; but to bring honor and glory to Him and His Name... His Wonderful Name. 

*Matthew 25:40; Isaiah 9:6